Spinarak are on Route 30 in HeartGold ONLY! YOU NEED TO TRADE!
Spinarak is a Heart Gold Pokemon not a Soul Silver Pokemon, You'll have to trade it.
yes you can catch one at night in the first 3 route of the game i just bumped into one
Take that soulsilver lovers! You can't find spinarak on soulsilver. Although, I love and play Pokemon heartgold, and I found a wild spinarak on the route below Ecruteak city at night on my heartgold version. It turns out you can only find them on heartgold, morning, day and night at: route, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 47, 48, Cherrygrove city, Ecruteak city, National park, Newbark town and at the safari zone gate. In kanto, they can be found, the same time as in Johto at: Route 1, 2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22, 26, 27, Fuchsia city, Pallet town, Viridian city and Viridian forest. But that's only on heartgold, if you only have soulsilver and not heartgold, there are 2 ways to get a spinarak. A, get it through a link trade from someone who has heartgold and caught it from the wild, or B, somehow get spinarak's evolved form, Ariados and put it in day-care with a ditto, go back to day-care after a while and receive an egg, walk a lot with the egg in party, hatch it, and you'll get a lvl 1 spinarak!
Spinarak evolves at level 22 in to an ariados.
You have to catch an Ariados in route 229 an breed it and a spinarak will comme out from the egg
Spinarak is a Heart Gold Pokemon not a Soul Silver Pokemon, You'll have to trade it.
In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Spinarak evolves into Ariados at level 22.
Trade from Emerald
yes you can catch one at night in the first 3 route of the game i just bumped into one
you cant find celebi in soulsilver
Take that soulsilver lovers! You can't find spinarak on soulsilver. Although, I love and play Pokemon heartgold, and I found a wild spinarak on the route below Ecruteak city at night on my heartgold version. It turns out you can only find them on heartgold, morning, day and night at: route, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 47, 48, Cherrygrove city, Ecruteak city, National park, Newbark town and at the safari zone gate. In kanto, they can be found, the same time as in Johto at: Route 1, 2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22, 26, 27, Fuchsia city, Pallet town, Viridian city and Viridian forest. But that's only on heartgold, if you only have soulsilver and not heartgold, there are 2 ways to get a spinarak. A, get it through a link trade from someone who has heartgold and caught it from the wild, or B, somehow get spinarak's evolved form, Ariados and put it in day-care with a ditto, go back to day-care after a while and receive an egg, walk a lot with the egg in party, hatch it, and you'll get a lvl 1 spinarak!
Spinarak evolves into Ariados at level 22.
you can catch spinarak in route 30
Spinarak evolves at level 22 in to an ariados.
You mean Ariados? It evolves from Spinarak which is like one of the first Pokemon you find in the game..
Catch an Ariados on route 229 (at night only) and breed it
go to the day care lady with a female ariados and any other male bug type Pokemon other than ariados,leave them to lay an egg and bingo spinarak.