Numel is found in the grass before the lift that goes to Mt. Chimney, as well as the grass after the short cave next to the lift.
many places like fiery path or route 112 all near lavaridge
route 112
Numel evolves at lvl 33
Numel evolves at level 33
Level 33.
camerupt its a fire and rock type and you can breed it with torchoal to get a torchoal with erupt
in pokemon games
Numel evolves into Camerupt starting at level 33.
I have emerald and I have found geodude, torkoal and koffing. There is also graveler, murk and grimer. Possibly there could be slugma and numel. Evolutions of slugma and numel are rare. Catch when possible.
many places like fiery path or route 112 all near lavaridge
it must be a Wednesday then go to ilex or viridian forest. then go on poke gear then go on the radio put it on dj bens music channel then walk around any where in the grass till numel shows up.
route 112
Numel is common in Hoenn. You can find one in Firey Path, Jagged Pass, or any routes near those places. It is fairly easy to catch.
Numel evolves into camrupt
Well in Pokemon ruby numel evolves at lv33 into camerupt when numel evolves its ability also changes from oblivious to magma armor.