At the end of the Crystal Castle instance dungeon, a bunch of chests spawn. Those chests occasionally hold 65 blues for all classes.
there is no blue ben ten jacket that is the mock 5 jacket its lvl 4 and you can get it in sector V.
yes u do, but it free. and its so awesome; u can get up to over lvl 100 and with awesome graphics, but it takes about an hour or so to finish download.
To get the blue door in 4-2 you need to have upgraded the starpedo form so that it can get past the fierce currents. to do this get the blue door on 4-4 and play lvl 4-7, then find the pearl. after that you can use the seal form to get the blue door.
LVL 45.
at the end!!!! I got a lvl 94 charizard and a lvl 100 hitmontop. beat that!!
He is a lvl 29 bounty for Heroes.
there is no blue ben ten jacket that is the mock 5 jacket its lvl 4 and you can get it in sector V.
This is best answered by using an online skill calculator. Do a search for [runescape skill calculator], and you'll find several.
just trade markoantohny and trade him a lvl 100 and he will give you a palkia
"Woe" shirt and "Woe" pants. They are both level 20 trickster blues.
It depends if its in story mode or online if it is online you have to get up to lvl 2 It depends if its in story mode or online if it is online you have to get up to lvl 2
white lvl1-lvl5 yellow lvl-6 lvl-10 orange lvl-11 lvl-15 green lvl-16 lvl-20 blue lvl-21 lvl-25 brown lvl-26 lvl30 black lvl-31 lvl-40
You see, when I got to lvl 5, the stupid game won't lvl me up to lvl 6. It keeps saying something about a challenge.... )=
His final line-up in Pokemon R/B/Y: -Pidgeot (Lvl. 61) -Alakazam (Lvl. 59) -Rhydon (Lvl. 61) -Arcanine (Lvl. 61) -Exeggutor (Lvl. 63) -Blastoise (Lvl. 65)
Cleric blues are: LVL 45: Safety set improve protect skill LVL 55: Restore set improve restore skill Divine set improve invicible skill LVL 75: Life set improve invigorate skill
either get an MBC or level it to lvl 45-60