You can't catch in in Leaf Green.
You must trade Growlithe from Fire Red and Evolve it with Fire Stone to get Arcanine.
Good Luck!!
Arcanine is the evolved form of Growlithe. Neither of them can be caught in the wild on Leaf Green. Growlithe is a Pokemon Fire Red exclusive pokemon. To be able to evolve it, give it a Fire Stone and then trade it to your Leaf Green game.
in leaf green you cant find ekans, arbok, oddish, gloom, vileplume, psyduck, golduck, growlithe, arcanine, shellder, cloyster, scyther, and electobuzz but you can trade them from fire red.
I never heard of it so find a better game then green as leaf
Usually you can find it in seafoam islands.
leaf green only.
Arcanine is the evolved form of Growlithe. Neither of them can be caught in the wild on Leaf Green. Growlithe is a Pokemon Fire Red exclusive pokemon. To be able to evolve it, give it a Fire Stone and then trade it to your Leaf Green game.
I don't think so but it might soo yahhh....
Eevee into Flareon, Growlithe (Firered) into Arcanine and Vulpix into Ninetails
in leaf green you cant find ekans, arbok, oddish, gloom, vileplume, psyduck, golduck, growlithe, arcanine, shellder, cloyster, scyther, and electobuzz but you can trade them from fire red.
game shark or action replay you can't get certain Pokemon in leaf green like growlithe or arcanine
You can't. Mew is not found on leaf green.
you have to migrate them on Fire red or Leaf green you have to migrate them on Fire red or Leaf green you have to migrate them on Fire red or Leaf green
no such thing as a wild arcanine, so you will have to migate.
you can find them in MT.Ember
You cant find Twinleaf town in leaf green. Its is only in Sinnoh! (In pearl and diamond)
I never heard of it so find a better game then green as leaf