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I don't know all of them, but here are the few I know:

Mesprit: Go to the Thin Forest via Pina Francia and go north. Somewhere along the line you should meet Mesprit.

Entei: If you go to Tabuli Town (south of Mt. Pyre) and defeat the gym, then go west, and then south through the warps until you come to a path with intense sunlight. If you want dive, then go west and go into the house. Talk to one of the stone displays, and Ash should come in and give you dive. If you got dive, then exit the house and go into the cave next to it. Defeat Krona (or maybe you just talk to her; can't remember) and then go into the second area of the cave. Entei will be blocking your way. Just talk to it and go into battle with it.

Suicine: I don't know exactly where Suicine is, but my friend said that it's in that cave in Snow Soft City. To get there, just go to the water area of Snow Soft and surf until you reach the cave.

Raikou: Go into the Power Plant (in Veronica Town; make sure you have surf) and go up to the generator. Raikou should be next to it.

Articuno + Moltres + Zapdos: Go to Ocean Isle (east of Retazo City. If you want to get an extra master ball, go onto Ocean Isle and find the trash can. Keep talking to it until it gives you the master ball) and surf east. You might have to surf a little bit north and a little bit south, but their caves are all there.

Lugia: This one's easy to get. When you go to Pina Francia to find Ash, go into the forest and defeat all the flunkies (Luminous Centuries, I think it was... Dunno. It might be Royal Darkness). Then go to the head and defeat Shelly or whatever the heck her name is (if it's Royal Darkness, then his name should be Tabitha). Palkia will sent you to another time, and you'll be in jail. Blitz (the non-possessed one) will rescue you, and he'll take you to a cave where Krona is caring for a Lugia. Krona gives you a baby Lugia, and it'll eventually evolve into a Lugia.

Ho-Oh: Go to Retazo and dive in one of the small patches. You should come out to a place where you surf around, and there should be a cave there - it should be called Rainbow Cave. You can find Ho-Oh in there.

Kyogre: Go to Morient Town, and go south to where all the trees are. Try going through them, and then it'll warp you to a place. Just follow wherever the path leads, and go into the cave until you reach Kyogre.

Groudon: When you reach Morient Town, go find Ash and talk to him. He'll introduce you to his "friend" (which I think is actually Kevin, your brother), and the two will take you two the Cave of Origin. There, you'll be able to battle/capture Groudon.

Giratina: Well, on your way to... Ugh, I forgot. I think it was Selaro Town or something. Yeah, on your way to Selaro Town (I think), there should be this big surf area. Surf over to a place called Blue Path Cave, and inside should be a hole. Talk to the hole.

Mewtwo: Ugh, I can't get this right >.< Somewhere around Blue Path cave (I think you might have to go through Blue Path Cave), there'll be a waterfall area. Use waterfall to go up it, and go inside the cave. Surf around the annoying islands and Mewtwo should be on the end one.

Jirachi: Go to Tabuli Town, and go to the EASTERN side of Tabuli Town, then go down. I don't remember how many times you have to go down, but when you see a stone, stop and go talk to it (it should look like a boulder). Jirachi will come out.

Regirock: The Cave in Pina Francina. It should be around the place where you talked to Ash.

Regice: Lost Cave. (I think that's what it's called.)

Registeel: Should be in the Power Plant somewhere.

Regigigas: Not TOO sure, but there should be a surf area where you need waterfall somewhere in the general area from Polaris Town to Pina Francia. You need to have all there Regis (Regice, Regirock and Registeel) first, and then talk to it.

Cresselia: Go to Rentlebud City and go to Renica Tunnel (Rustnurf Tunnel in the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald games). Break the rocks with rock smash, and instead of going straight out south to Veronica Town, turn west before you exit the cave into Veronica Town and go through the OTHER exit. You can find the blackglasses for the guy, if you want. Go up the staircase and into the cave. You need surf, and then surf to the island in which Cresselia is.

Shaymin: All you to is go to Veronica Town and surf north until you come into a cave - or so I was told.

Sorry, that's all the legendaries I know... >.< Or remember, at least. Some I don't remember where they are! So... SORRY!!!

Mew: when you catch jirachi go down in the boulder there is an exit and surf go to the left there you can find mew

Rayquaza: In Destiny(Cave)north past the sand desert

Ill Add One -Pokemaster 1000

Angeallen: Once you have all the legendary pokemon stated above, you can then go to Rentelbud city. If you go up to the entrance of Wind Path, you will see a ranger guarding a cave. If you go into the cave, you will see Blitz. He will battle you. If you smash him, go through the next door and you will see some stairs. Climb the stairs and you will see Angeallen.


Im gonna add ONE n,n ~ Ascalaphus

Latias: When you beat the Elite 4 You start again in Sun Ford Town,

Go out of your house, go up to S.F Path and just follow the road,

You wil encounter Latias instantly =D

Hope this helped =D

- Ascalaphus


I'll add another

I found azelf in unown cave

Darkrai: Lost cave just before where the ice is

Dialga: At the end of lost cave where the ice is also Release there the 3 legendary mesprit,uxie and azelf

Palkia: At the right of borora town there should be cave there

Heatran: The fire cave below the morient town

Arceus: It should be the left of the remaked lilycove city or the down of green valley just keep searching at down where you can find regigigas find another waterfall and there should be arceus


Deoxys: Raleso town talk to the rock inside the water area

Rotom: Talk to the open tv on the haunted house in bug forest down of rentlebud city


you can also catch Dark Lugia at lvl 70 in kanto (you can enter a cave if you surf north, the cave will be like when you first meet that guy in a red robe. you will have to beat him twice (he has cresselia+darkrai lvl 40 and palkia and dialga lvl 50, and after you got shadow lugia you can catch those on the spots listed above)

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