Go to youlgars inn and click on the arrows facing right until you find a table with a letter and potion on it and a mouse hole on the wall then drink the potion and you will shrink (don't worry you will return to your size after you die, flee or complete the quest) and the first enemy you verse is a snail. And if you doing bishop finch's quest click on its shell (near the tail) and you will receive a "delicious snayl tail".
Join farm
in elemental but u have to complete everything and every quest
Complete the second quest from the amateur juggler in greenguard forest.
The "Battle Monsters" button in Battleon is the Random Adventure. the terror set quest is also random because the guy is weird. or on the map find terror set and go there.
pet shoppe
you fight a snayl at "random Battles"
probly in the back of eastmans its one of the 4 buildings on willow creek
get 10 snayl tails and then go to him.Dont know how?go to diffrent places and the quest restarts.....its not a glitch just a problem with the quest
actually, there is no slimy snayl tail, it is actually caled a DELICIOUS snayl tayl. u can find a snayl (in order to get the item u want) either if u just started a new account o n adventurequest, or u can talk to twilly and, well, i dont know the rest, but there is something about a forest where u get to train. (if there is a quest where twilly has huge feet, ur on the right path) I hope I helped!
How the hell are you gonna find a code for adventure quest the only things it has is cheat crap
on his shoulders
on acidragon
you find it in frost vil.
blighfang is in darkavioa graveyard,but you have to get to the last quest
u can't
It is the Ghost