

Where to find Blockland Folder?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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For Windows XP Go to:

My Documents,For Windows Vista/7:Go to My computer or something like that,Then go to program files and its there

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all you need to do is: 1. Unzip the world/map 2. Create a new world on minecraft 3. on the main menu click "Mods and texture Packs" then "Open texture pack folder" 4. Then at the top it where it tells you the path click on the ".minecraft" folder 5. After that click on "saves" and open up the world folder that you created. Then remove everything in that folder and copy over all the files in the folder you have unzipped. 6. Start up minecraft and the world you have created and enjoy it!

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You need to portforward go here then open the blockland folder then pres dedicated server

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You have to go to Return To Blockland to download stuff for Blockland.

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Blockland generate key online:

What is the blockland code?

You have to buy the game in order to get a code is a stupid answer i have to say i cant find the code my self but i found lots of cool cheats for blockland on