you can get it at the bug catching contest at the national park on tuesdays and thursdays
Venonat i think
im not sure but try evolving a Venonat
Venonat are extremely rare on Route 229.The easiest way is to breed it isent you breed a venamoth then you get a venonat but it is extrmly rare to find on route 229 hope this helps :)
You can catch Lombre in Pokemon HeartGold in the Safari Zone at a waterside area once you receive the National Pokedex.
Find and then catch
Venonat i think
You cannot catch Venonat. You must catch a Venomoth in the Dreamyard and then breed it.
im not sure but try evolving a Venonat
You can't catch Rotom in heartgold.
you cant catch him in heartgold you can only get him in soulsilver
In HeartGold you can catch Kyogre.
You can only catch Vulpix in SoulSilver, not in HeartGold. You can catch it on route 36 and route 37.
In pokemon Heartgold
Venonat are extremely rare on Route 229.The easiest way is to breed it isent you breed a venamoth then you get a venonat but it is extrmly rare to find on route 229 hope this helps :)
you cant catch it it is rare
You can catch Lombre in Pokemon HeartGold in the Safari Zone at a waterside area once you receive the National Pokedex.