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Q: Where to buy stones in a dept store Pokemon gold?
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Where can you get a thunder stone in Pokemon Gold?

Buy it at Celdon Dept. Store.

Where can you buy stones in Pokemon Gold?

Sorry but it is not possible to buy them

What stones do you get in Pokemon Gold?

shiny leaf thunder fire dusk dawn water and sun stones

Where to find a water stone in heart gold?

U buy it at goldenrod dept store

False swipe TM in Pokemon?

TM54 False Swipe can be bought at Veilstone Dept Store on Floor 3 at £2000. In Diamond and Pearl. And in Soul Silver and Heart Gold, it is in the Goldenrod Department Store on Floor 5 at the same cost.

Where are the moon stones Pokemon shiny gold?

in union cave behind a boulder

How do you get a evee evolve in Pokemon Gold?

use stones fire water electric

How can you tell a Pokémon's happiness in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

The same way you did in the original Pokemon gold and silver. there's a house in Goldenrod City to the right of the Dept Store. You must go around the back of the Store. It right before you go to the bike shop, inside is a girl and she will tell you how your Pokemon feels about you, but only the one in slot 1.

How do you get flash in heart gold?

TM70 Flash is in Sprout Tower, or you can buy it in the Goldenrod City Dept. Store.

Where can you get the different stones in Pokemon?

You can buy them at few at stores. On some versions, people will give them to you. On Yellow, Red and Blue, you can find Moon stones in certain caves. There are multiple ways to get stones. Remember, there are other ways of evolving your Pokemon besides stones! Good luck! In different versions, evolutionary stones are obtained in different ways: In Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow; these stones are bought from the Celadon Department store. In Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal; stones are obtained randomly throughout the game (By finding them, winning a contest, etc.). In Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald evolutionary stones are traded from a man who is looking for different coloured shrads. Pokemon Firered and Leafgreen are the same as Red and Blue. In all versions, Moon stones are found randomly and cannot be bought or traded.

How do you get the second page for evolution stones for pokeathlon in Pokemon heart gold?

You need the National poke'dex

What floor is the observation deck in the department store in gold rod city on heart gold?

6th floor is top of goldenrod dept store.- "observation deck" is actually top floor of radio tower tho..