Vermillion City is located below Saffron City. You can get there only after you meet Bill, the Poke'maniac.
You go to Saffron City and go to the south.
He is the sleeping pokemon blocking the entrance to cycling road and past vermillion city
You can get the Item finder from Professor Oaks in Pokemon LeafGreen. Professor Oaks is found on route 11 just out side of Vermillion City.
in vermillion city there is a girl that asks for a spearow in return for a farfetched in vermillion city there is a girl that asks for a spearow in return for a farfetched in vermillion city there is a girl that asks for a spearow in return for a farfetched in vermillion city there is a girl that asks for a spearow in return for a farfetched
Head to Vermillion City and enter the house right next to to the Pokemon Center and a girl will trade you a Farfetch'd for a Spearow....Spearows are incredibly easy to find!
From Vermillion City
You go to Saffron City and go to the south.
You trade Spaerow for Farfetch'd in Vermillion City.
He is the sleeping pokemon blocking the entrance to cycling road and past vermillion city
You get it from one of the fisherman on Route 12/Vermillion City/Fushia City.
You can get the Item finder from Professor Oaks in Pokemon LeafGreen. Professor Oaks is found on route 11 just out side of Vermillion City.
in vermillion city there is a girl that asks for a spearow in return for a farfetched in vermillion city there is a girl that asks for a spearow in return for a farfetched in vermillion city there is a girl that asks for a spearow in return for a farfetched in vermillion city there is a girl that asks for a spearow in return for a farfetched
In the Vermillion City Pokemon Center,next to Joy in front of the counter theres a lady with purple hair.Talk to dont get itin vermillion city in the poke center there a lady at the couter talk to her
In cerulean city (You will need to get the Bike Voucher from the Pokemon Fan Club in Vermillion before being about to get a Bike)
Its called the vs seeker and you get by going in the vermillion city Pokemon center and speaking to the girl near the nurse.
a house in fuschia city from the fishing guruthe old rod is in vermillion city the house beside the poke center
to get a bike in pokemon leafgreen you need to got to vermillion city where you need to talk to the president of pokemon fanclub. president will give you a bicycle pass. then you need to go to cerlulean city. there you need to exchange that pass with the bicycle shopkeeper.