its right by floaroma town. go to route205 and walk to the right then youll see windmels that's the vally windworks.
There is a map of Mt. Coronet in the Sinnoh region.
same as diamond/pearl
use the diamond etc from down the bottom and just6 drag it to where you want it.
you catch swinub in the very middle up on your map.
there to show where you just came from
NO THERE is no second map in diamond and pearl.(that includes platnium).
On the marking map you can't mark Pokemon but if a Pokemon is roaming it will be represented by a Pokemon face.
You get it in the start I think. :)
There is a map in the Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Guide Book.
use a marking map
There is a map of Mt. Coronet in the Sinnoh region.
No you can not get one
If the question is if there is one, then no.
First of all, you catch Mespirit with the marking map not Alzef. And second, Cressila is the other Pokemon you catch with the marking map.
you need to go to the Pal Park south at the botom of the map
you cant