

Best Answer

Valencia is found in BattleonTown.

To get there you can:

Leave yulgar through the door.

Leave trainers through the door.

Leave the guardian tower through the door.

Go to the top arrow in Battleon.

Go through one of the two ways in Greenguardwest.

Go through one of the two ways in Greenguardeast.

Type /join battleontown

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Q: Where is valencia in AQWorlds?
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What are the codes for AQWorlds Valencia?

oicu812 thirteen1 dragonkhan8234280

Can somebody give me codes in AQWorlds?

For Valencia: Thirteen1 an oicu12

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oicu812 thirteen1

Where is Valencia in AQWorlds now?

She is now located at /join museum

Are there more than three Valencia codes on Aqworlds?

Not yet there isn't.

What are all the codes for valencia in AQWorlds?

there are 3 codes oicu812 thirteen1 dragonkhan87654321

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Three codes so far: oicu812 thirteen1 dragonkhan8234280

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It's Bejeweled Blade. Do Valencia's daily quest Bejeweled Blade.

How do you get skullwraith in AQWorlds?

/join battleontown then talk to Valencia and click "Secret Codes" and type: oicu812

What are some codes for valencia in AQWorlds?

Three codes for Valencia: Dragonkhan8234280= Dragon Khan (Sword) Thirteen1= Thirteen 1 Badger (Helmet) Oicu812= Skullwraith (Sword)

What is AQWorlds ip address?

first go to battleon go to valencia and go to special codes and type nid2374jn