Type /join battleontown hope i helped, feel free to add me in-game, CURADORXXX
finsh warlics quest in battleon town
it is in skullhome on your map or you can just go to adventure in battleon and click on dragon lair
go to travel map in town you should see it
You get it from the inn in battleon town square. Go to Yulgar. Click him. Then click "Suggestion Shop". It will be in there. This is personally my favorite sword/only sword.
You must complete the quest "Wednesday... Faerie Sai!" which is only available on Wednesdays from Valencia who is in battleon town. To complete the quest you must get a "Rare unidentified Sai" dropped from the Cyclops Warlord in Mobius (/join mobius) or Faerie Forest (/join faerie).
Ye olde inn Battleon town square swordhaven
just become a member n go to valencia at battleon town square
In the Magic Shop (In Battleon Town).
It's one of the buildings in the town of Battleon.
You can get it if you are member. Some of them is in the pet shop in battleon town.
go to balyhoo in battleon town some times u get it
"Ye Olde Inn," also known as "Yulgar's Inn," is located in the town of Battleon's Town Square in Adventure Quest Worlds. Just go north of the log-in screen to arrive in the town square. Then, go north again to arrive into "Ye Olde Inn" also known as "Yulgar's Inn."
you type it in at valencia in battleon town square.you click on code and then type it in.
She is located in Aria's Pet Shop in Battleon town (/join battleontown), to the left.
If you mean Adventure Quest Worlds, yes. They are oicu812 , dragonkhan8234280 , and thirteen1. You can enter these in Battleon Town by talking to Valencia. They may add more codes later on.
to find zorbak start from the defualt page and go to battleon town square go right to trainers but don't go in and zorbak should be on a tree stump out side
you go to battleon town and talk to Valencis and click "Buy Coins." But you buy it with real money.