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The tin tower is in ecruteak city to the east. Near the water fountain thingy.(hope this really helps)

Oh that's very helpful water fountain thingy hilarious.

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Q: Where is tin tower in Pokemon Gold?
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Where is the legendary Pokemon in Pokemon gold?

Burnt tower, Tin tower and whirl islands.

Where is bell sprout tower in Pokemon gold?

Bell Tower a.k.a. tin tower,also means if you know how to get to tin tower you can get to bell tower

What town is tin tower In on Pokemon Gold?

it is in Eukreteak City.

Where is hooh on Pokemon Gold?

in the tin tower but you need rainbow wing in kanto region then you get it from this old guy, the tin tower is near the burnt tower

How do you get ho oh Pokemon Gold?

You can catch him in Tin Tower if you have a Rainbow Wing.

Where is tin tower in Pokemon Silver?

There is no Tin Tower is Silver. That's in Pokemon Tin, stupid.

How do you get to tin tower from the burned tower in Pokemon gold?

The tin tower is a seperate building from the burned tower, the tin tower is the largest tower in Ecruteak City next to the burned tower. You cannot go upstairs where Ho-oh is until you obtain the Rainbow Wing.

Where is Ho-oh in Pokemon shiny gold?

The top of Tin Tower in Ecruteak city

Where is ho-ho in Pokemon Gold?

on the top of the tin tower you need a rainbow wing to get there

Where is the tin tower in Pokemon Silver?

The tin tower is in ecruteak city in Pokemon gold,silver and crystal version.Go to the north and there will be a house. Actually,its not a house its sort of like a house attached to another house.This is tin tower's entrance,the entrance has some monks in it.Take the steps up and you will be outside the entrance,go further and you will see a tower this is called tin tower

Where is Ho-oh in Pokemon Gold?

On the top of tin tower. You need the rainbowwing to see him however.

What legendary Pokemon is in tin tower Pokemon gold?

Ho-Oh, but you require the Rainbow Wing (meaning you need to have ended the Rocket Siege of the Radio Tower)