Thief "v" is the thief that is trying to steal the secret map to the treasure! His hideout is behind the waterfall.
117 Uncle Scallops the Cranky Codfather [Sploshlings] Rare: Season 3 Super Moshi Mission 4: The Great Moshi Treasure Hunt: The Secret Treasure of Potion Ocean
He is the Thief That is out to get the town's secret treasure ( A Giant Bell ) His Real Name is Vincent Skullfinder! Hope this Helps!!!!!!!!!! :-))))
hey guys! here is rockhopper's username and password! Name: Rockhopper Password: Treasure
The answer is in the safe at bowsers castle in the secret treasure chamber after you have beaten Fawful express and Bowser memory m and l.
in the water iland
Thief V is a thief who stole the secret treasure map to your towns secret treasure. After he steals the treasure map, you have to follow him to his hidden cave. (By the way, that part is SUPER hard.)
No the major did not steal the towns secret treasure. Who stole it its named Thief V. Your assistant would be making fun names of him like Thief Vaaaaaacruum etc. Thief V would pretend his you and Martin the taxi driver to steal the treasure. If you have the first Mysims the owner of the museum is Thief V. Hope this helped...
In "The Tower Treasure" by the Hardy Boys, the missing car is found abandoned in the tower's secret passageway. The discovery of the car plays a crucial role in solving the mystery surrounding the stolen treasure.
The duration of Tarzan's Secret Treasure is 1.35 hours.
Tarzan's Secret Treasure was created on 1941-12-01.
The Secret of Treasure Island was created on 1938-03-02.
It depends which secret treasure chest and which maze.
Because it explains to Bilbo why they want to retrieve the treasure stolen by Smaug. Also it proves that there really is a secret door (used by Thorin's father and grandfather.)
There is no Treasure Island in Poptropica.
Was there really a national treasure and a secret order that protects it or was it just a movie?