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there is no ss anne that's in the kanto region.

Pokemon platinum is in the sinnoh region.

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Q: Where is the ss anne in Pokemon Platinum?
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You don't need the boat ticket in Pokemon Platinum because it's the ticket for Luxury Liner SS Anne, which is not in the Sinnoh region.

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There is no use for the SS Ticket in Pokémon Platinum.

Where is Gary in ss anne in Pokemon LeafGreen?

He will appear just as you are about to see the Captain of the SS Anne.

Pokemon FireRed how to get ss anne?

this is how to get to the ss anne its in viridian city or a city buy the sea

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After it departs you can never ever see the SS Anne again.

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S.S Anne is in Vermillion City.

Is the SS Anne the ship that sinks in Pokemon?

Yes, the SS Anne is the ship that sunk in Pokémon.

Where do you get ss anne ticket in Pokemon brown?

It is not possible to get the SS Anne Ticket in Pokemon Platinum. Data still exists in the game for the ticket which hints that during development the SS Anne was going to appear in Sinnoh but was changed at a later date to not appear.

Where is the SS Anne on Pokemon HeartGold?

In Pokemon HeartGold (and SoulSilver), the SS Anne has been replaced by the newer, more stylish SS Aqua. It starts out in Olivine City, but can be in the Vermilion City dock, too.

Where is the ss anne in Pokemon Blue?

Vermillion City

Where is the truck in Pokemon FireRed?

the truck is by ss anne, you have to surf to get there