Pink pink purple blue white yellow
In the theatre, where the yellow puffle is. (By The Piano)
You have 2 go 2 the pizza place, take the sheet music then play it for them. I did that, it smiled then nothing happened and the puffle didn't come out when i left the piano
its impossible: a) because it differs depending on whick mixes you use and b) only club penguin decides what music you can play in your igloo on the music menu when you edit your igloo
You have to be a member and click at the video.
Pink pink purple blue white yellow
on the piano in the stage
get the sheet off the floor and read the music notes off it. you can work out the rest!
You play it some music on the piano Find the music by the piano in the pizza parlour!
Get music sheet pizza shop then go to the piano by the stage and play the coulered notes......................BUT I TRIED THAT AND IT DIDN'T WORK
on the piano at the pizza store
In the theatre, where the yellow puffle is. (By The Piano)
Go to the country music stage and click the AMP with the hat on top of it.
It is under the pizza parlor piano.
its already out its called music jam 2011
For mission seven, you get the sheet music in the pizza parlor.
You have to get the piano music sheet at the pizza parlour then play the music sheet on the piano at the stage