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The shard collector is in the route in between Pastoria City and Hearthome City. Her house is right after the mud area.

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Q: Where is the shard collector in Pokemon diamond?
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How many Pokemon do you have to have to get the esp shard?

In diamond and pearl it is 35. an it is an EXP SHARE not and esp shard.

Where can you find the stone that evolves water Pokemon in pokemmon sapphire?

I think Clamperls have the shard,but it's completely rare.After you get the shard,go to shard collector's house.

Where do you go to enter cheats for Pokemon Diamond?

You cant enter cheats on Pokemon Diamond, the only is on a game shard or by mystery event maybe.

Where do you get a fire stone in Pokemon sapphire?

1st way: You got the fire stone in the fire path but you will need to have a Pokemon with strength to even get to the fire stone. 2nd way: You must go to mosdeep city, go to the shard collector's house. he will say that he is collecting shards. Then you go out, surf, and dive where the nearest male swimmer is. To find him you must surf downwards from the shard collector's house. dive down, and then you go up at the last patch (not the patch in the middle, you get a green shard from that). You will find a red shard. Bring it back to the shard collector, he will give you a fire stone. 3rd way: Catch a corsola by fishing with a super rod at the Pokemon league place before the victory road. you have a 5% chance of getting the red shard which you can bring to the shard collector. happy evolving your vulpix/eevee.

Where is the sun shard in Pokemon Diamond?

It's only used in Pokemon gale of darkness, to evolve Eevee into espion, to my knowledge. I do know that since Pokemon diamond has a clock, that there is no need for this item to exist in that game.

What are the shards used in Pokemon pearl?

yellow shard and red shard and green shard

Where to find moon shard in Pokemon ruby?

The moon shard was in a Pokemon movie, and it was apparently given out as a Promo item, along with the sun shard.

Where do you find shards in ruby?

Blue Shard- Route 124; Wild Pokemon. Green Shard- Route 126; Wild Relicanth. Red Shard- Route 124; Wild Pokemon. Yellow Shard- Route 126; Wild Pokemon.

What stones can you get in Pokemon Sapphire?

Im pretty sure u can get all of them. Some you have to trade shards for like if u have a Green shard the collector will give you a Leaf Stone.

Who will buy the comet shard in Pokemon white?

The gentlemen in the corner of Icirrus City Pokemon Center buys the shard.

Move tutor for superpower in Pokemon Diamond or Pearl?

There is no tutor in d/p you must trade the Pokemon to platinum teach it from the shard move tutor in the survival area and then trade it back

Where are the 4 shard stones in Pokemon Ruby?

in lilcove in the cave is the green shard