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The 7th Gym Leader is Blaine in Cinnabar Island. He uses nothing but Fire Pokèmon. I used a lvl 32 Seel and beat the first Pokèmon(Growlithe) with "Surf"(always use a good move twice in a row if you don't take him out in one shot because he'll use Hyper Potion.) I also used a lvl 29 Seadra with "Surf" to beat second Pokèmon(Ponyta.)And I used a lvl 31 Snorlax using "Surf" to beat the third Pokèmon(Rapidash.) And a lvl 36 Snorlax using "Body Slam"(move) and "Rest"(move) to beat the last Pokèmon(Arcanine.)

His Pokèmon are Growlithe(LVL 42), Ponyta(LVL 40), Rapidash(LVL 42), and Arcanine(LVL 47)
The 7th gym is on Cinnabar island. The gym leader is Blaine and he uses fire types. Find the key to his gym in Pokemon mansion.

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Q: Where is the seventh gym on Pokemon FireRed?
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Who is the seventh gym leader in Pokemon FireRed?

The 7th leader is Blaine. He uses fire pokemon.

What floor is the key to unlock seventh gym on in the mansion on Pokemon firered?

The basement.

Where is the seventh gym in Pokemon FireRed?

If you surf south of Pallet town you will get to Cinnibar Island. It is on there.

What do you do after you get the sixth badge on Pokemon FireRed?

Fight the seventh gym on Cinnabar Island. Then fight the eighth gym at Virirdian City.

How do you catch into the seventh gym in Pokemon firered?

go to cicibar island, then go in the biulding right next to the gym and look for secret key. then get out and then you can go in the gym in cinabar island

In what town is the Pokemon mansion in?

If you mean Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen on the GBA, the mansion is in the top left corner of Cinnabar Island. (home of the seventh gym)

How do you get in the seventh gym in Pokemon FireRed?

get the key in the od mansion on cinabargo to cinnibar island, then go in that place next to the gym and look for secret key. then get out and then you can go in the gym in cinabar island

Where is the seventh gym in Pokemon black?

the seventh gym is at sekka city

Can you be a gym leader on Pokemon FireRed?


Where is the key in FireRed to unlock the seventh gym leader?

The 7th gym leader in fire red is Blaine in Cinnabar Island.To unlock The gym, u must go 2 the pokemon mansion,search the gym key in the basement.

How strong should your Pokemon be in the seventh gym leader in Pokemon FireRed?

It should be really strong on the 7th gym leader in Pokemon fire red i tired it and i won the 7thgym badge and now you can do it. the weakness of fire Pokemon is electricity and water and fighting lv 45 - 50