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there is no secret door to the snow element yet

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Q: Where is the secret door to get to the snow dojo?
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Where is the secret room in the dojo on clubpenguin?

You have to become a black belt first then you can walk through the door on the right when you click on the dojo.

How do you get in the snow dojo?

The snow dojo is not out yet

Is there a secret door in the dojo in club penguin?

No actually there is. go to the dojo courtyard and see the funny stepping stones on your left? go up there and this door will open. but to get in you have to be a ninja. by kepp11

In club penguin where is the secret room you the lodge of dojo?

Its the wall with the words to the left of the dojo, scroll over it and u will see a door and go in to it

Is the secret door in club penguin at the dojo real?

yes but you have to be a member and a black belt

Can you get to the snow dojo?

Presently in 2012 the 'Water dojo' has been released but no signs of snow dojo. But you never know it might come in 2013

Where is the snow dojo the in clubpenguin?

There is no snow dojo on club penguin yet, but keep up with the updates and one day there will be a snow dojo

Where is Club Penguin hideout?

Go to the dojo, and the rock stone door is the secret hideout, but you have to be a ninja to go in there.

Where is the snow dojo in Club Penguin?

The snow dojo is still yet to come young grasshopper!

When you beat the sensei how do you get in the secret place behind him?

there is no secret place behind him like on the map when u click the dojo and then on the side there is a door that is the secret place but you can only enter if you are a ninja

Where can you find the snow dojo?

they didn't make the snow dojo yet it should be coming soon i hope

Where can you find the snow dojo on Club Penguin?

You'll have to wait to May 2012 to enter the Snow Dojo.