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If you mean the one to go onto the GTS, the bottom floor of the Pokemon center.

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Q: Where is the reception desk in the diamond and pearl?
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How do you get to the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl GAME RECEPTION DESK?

You can only access it if you have a Pearl and Dimmond DS Game. Then you go to the reception Desk.

Where is the makeshift pole in the reception?

by the desk

What is a place in a hotel lobby where guests check in and out called?

It usually called the 'Reception' or 'Reception Desk'

How do you get the makeshift pole in reception on moshi monsters?

by the desk

Where can a salon reception desk be bought?

A salon reception desk can be bought through a company that sells products and furniture to many different salons and can ship the product out to you and possibly install it for you.

Consider a PC at a reception desk. What might you do to secure it?

Password it.

What is the front desk in hotel?

the reception area-where you register as a guest

What is a lobby in the hotel?

it is where you check in and out . Usually holds a couch or a sitting area as well as the reception desk.

Is a pearl a diamond?

No, a pearl is not a diamond... but it may be in the same family..

What type of work do people do at a reception desk?

Employees can do all kinds of work at a reception desk. From answering phones, reviewing plans, phone conferences, meetings, budget analysis, they all cab be done easily and more efficient with use of a desk.

What is the role of reception head waiter?

somebody who is on duty at the reception desk in a restaurant, who greets guests and organises the reservation of tables

Are there Pokemon you can get in pearl and not diamond?

Yes. You can only get GLAMEOW'S in pearl and STUNKY'S in diamond. Also you can only get PALKIA in pearl and DIAGLA in Diamond