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Before you enter in Lake Acuity take a right. There is also another way to get the Reaper Cloth by going to Route 229.

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Q: Where is the reaper cloth in Pokemon Platinum?
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What does a reaper cloth do?

When a dusclops holds the reaper cloth and gets traded to Pokemon platinum diamond or pearl it will evolve to dusknoir

How does duskclops evolve on Pokemon platinum?

Give it a reaper cloth and trade it.

What do you do with the reaper cloth in Pokemon Platinum?

You give it to Dusclops and trade it and it will evolve into Dusknoir.

How do you evolve dusclops in Pokemon Platinum?

you give it the reaper cloth then i think you trade it.

How do you evolve duskclops in pokemon platinum?

Let it hold a reaper cloth (maybe its called dark cloth) and trade.

How do you get dusknoir is Pokemon platinum?

You Must givedusk lops the reaper cloth and trade him then he will evolve to dusknior

What level does dusclops evolve on Pokemon platinum?

Dusclops does not evolve by level, but becomes Dusknoir when traded with a Reaper Cloth.

How do you get duskclops in Pokemon platinum?

First, give your Dusclops a reaper cloth and then trade it with one of your friends.

Pokemon Pearl how to evolve dusclops?

you have to put a reaper cloth on duclops you have to put a reaper cloth on duclops you have to put a reaper cloth on duclops you have to put a reaper cloth on duclops

In Pokemon platinum what level does dusclops evolve?

None. Dusclops evolves into Dusknoir by trading while holding a Reaper Cloth.

Which Pokemon uses a Reaper Cloth?

Dusclops uses a Reaper Cloth to evolve into Dusknoir when traded.

Where can you get a reaper cloth in Pokemon sapphire?

Reaper Cloths don't exist in Pokemon Sapphire.