The move deleter is in Blackthorn City. You can even delete HM moves!
The Move Deleter is located in Blackthorn City in the house to the left of the Poké Mart.
There is no move deleter in Pokemon yellow... you have to keep the hm's that you learned your Pokemon
The move deleter in Pokemon silver is located in Blackthorn City.
The move deleter's house is next to the fuchsia city Pokemon center.
The Move Deleter is in the Pokemon Center in Northcoast Town, up by the World Maps.
The move deleter is in Blackthorn City in Johto Region. Next to the Pokemon centre
Go to the Move Deleter in Blackthorn City.
In Pokémon SoulSilver, the Move Deleter is in Blackthorn City, he's in the house to the left of the PokéMart.
There is no move deleter in Pokemon yellow... you have to keep the hm's that you learned your Pokemon
The move deleter in Pokemon silver is located in Blackthorn City.
The move deleter's house is next to the fuchsia city Pokemon center.
The Move Deleter is in the Pokemon Center in Northcoast Town, up by the World Maps.
The Move Deleter is in the Pokemon Center in Northcoast Town, up by the World Maps.
The Move Deleter in Pokemon Black & White is in Mistralton City.
The move deleter is in Blackthorn City in Johto Region. Next to the Pokemon centre
The Move Deleter is in a house at the PWT.
The move deleter in Pokèmon HeartGold and SoulSilver in in Blackthorn City. He is in the building with the sign outside, and on the inside, it is the place where the old lady teaches your Dragon-Type Pokèmon the "Ultimate Dragon-type move" (Draco Meteor)