cheak the code on the elite penguin force herbets revenge on the paper with a penguin
in the lighthouse
To get the elite penguin Puffle you need to get the game Club penguin Elite penguin force Herbert's revenge and use the code that comes with it.
It is on the top right of the map.
to become a epf (elite penguin force) agent you play the game on ds called (elite penguin force) AND when you take the agend quiz it will give you a code (if you take it CORECLY!) then when you play clubpenguin online at at the top right it will have a code logo thingy click it and then dont click code for a book click toy code and type in the epf (elite penguin force) code! there you go you are a elite penguin force agent!!!!!!!!
on the Beacon
It is between the couch cushions in coffee shop
you find it in the last sofa cushion in the coffee shop
Under the steps, but it is a bomb. 0_o
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there is 12 missions in club penguin elite penguin force. 1O in club penguin elite penguin force herberts revenge
you click inventory at the bottom, click your spy phone, click the blinking red light next to "Tools" and click the wrench. hope it helped!
You have to be a member to dress Elite Force!
i never had an elite penguin force
give it to the construction worker at the base of the mountain (near ski lodge)
dunno. someone may give a better answer. what is club penguin elite penguin force? search the internet for club penguin elite penguin force cheats and tips and you may find something
You cannot use a code twice-its the same with the elite penguin force game.