The masterball is given to you by prof elm.
After you beat all 8 gyms go to prof. elm and he'll give you one.
Win the lottery or finish the Elite Four.
After defeating the 8th gym and getting the badge from Claire, Professor Elm will call you to go to his lab. When you enter the lab, he will give you the only master ball you can get in the game.
Get all 8 badges then go to nuvema town and speak to Professor.Elm.
This is out of the blue .Why do you think there arnt much POISON type pokemon and gym leaders. I love poison types.
Either get it from Prof. Elm when you are about to get ho-oh or lugia or win from lottery in goldenrod city radio tower first floor
yes u can in all pokemon games
first watch a video youtube from how to get there it will tell you then get the master ball it will work
In Pokemon Heart Gold, Ho-Oh is a level 45. So, I would use an ultra ball so you could save the master ball for someone like lugia, who is a level 70.
there is no master ball in diamond and also great ball. but there is silver ball-silver ball is like a master ball.
The gs ball.
it is something stupide
ho oh
use a master ball
probaby kyogre
After you defeat the main 8 gyms professor oak will call you to his lab and say he has something for you. Then he will give you a master ball.
To get an additional master ball, you must either trade it from another Pokemon game, or use cheats to get one.
After beating the Elite Four, return to New Bark Town and talk to Prof. Elm. He will give you a Master Ball. *Remember this is the only Master Ball you will get in the whole game!*
You get a master ball after defeating the eighth gym. You'll receive it from prof. Elm.
in the light get it once you beat the rcoket grunt.
you don't.
The trick is to save your master ball.