you walk there
He is in the lighthouse at the southeast corner of the city
in the last bottom right corner
Talk to Cynthia at Sunnyshore City at the Lighthouse.
In the lower right side of Sunnyshore city
you walk there
He is in the lighthouse
He is in the lighthouse at the southeast corner of the city
in the last bottom right corner
jus fly over
Talk to Cynthia at Sunnyshore City at the Lighthouse.
Volker is in sunnyshore city in the lighthouse go to the lighthouse and talk to him the go to the gym and battle him hope this helps!
Go to the lighthouse and the Gym leader should be there.
You talk to Volkner in the lighthouse.
In the lower right side of Sunnyshore city
hes in the lighthouse in sunnyshore city, go over and talk to him
It is in Sunnyshore City near the lighthouse.