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You explore the mansion until you come to a room with two houseplants. There'll be a pokeball there. Pick it up. It's the key.

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Q: Where is the key to Blaines gym fire red?
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Where is Key to 7 gym leader fire red?

you find it in the Pokemon mansion

Where is the key to the gym in the Pokemon mansion in Pokemon fire red?

it is on the B1 floor, on the table.

Where is the key to fight the last two gym leaders for fire red?

Well the secret key to get into the 2nd last gym is in the mansion to its left :) and the final gym is giovani and that's in viridian :)

Why is the door locked to get inside the seventh gym on fire red?

That is easy. You have to go to the Pokemon mansion and find the key to unlock the gym.

Where is blaines gym in pokemom red'?

cinnabar island, you moron. haven't you checked the map? i know where it is without looking at the map, that's how good i am.

Where is the key in FireRed to unlock the seventh gym leader?

The 7th gym leader in fire red is Blaine in Cinnabar Island.To unlock The gym, u must go 2 the pokemon mansion,search the gym key in the basement.

How do you open the 7th gym in Pokemon fire red?

You can find the key to unlock the door in Pokemon mansion

The gym in cinnabar island is closed fire red?

The gym is locked to make the game a little more challenging the key is in the Pokemon mansion which is near the gym.

How do you get into the 7th gym leader door in Pokemon fire red?

You need the secret key found in Pokemon mansion.

How do you unlock the gym leader castle for Blaine in Pokemon fire red?

You have to go into Pokemon mansion. Find the key in the basement.

Where should you go after defeating Sabrina the gym leader in fire red?

Well go to pallet town surf down and you'll reach a town with the next gym (fire type gym). The door will be locked but you get the key from the burnt mansion. Hope this helped.

Where is the key to the seventh badge in Pokemon fire red?

It's located inside Pokemon mansion which can be found near the seventh gym.