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Next to the recruitment agency

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Q: Where is the hobby shop in Sims 3 Ambitions?
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How do you get the cot for sims 3 ambitions on iPod touch?

Hobby shop

How do you achieve an atheletic level on sims 3 ambitions?

You go for a run or you buy the athletic pack at the hobby shop

Where is the repair shop in Sims 3 Ambitions?

There is no repair shop in the Sim 3.

How do you go to the lake on sims 3 ambitions for ipod touch?

go the the hobby shop, buy a fishing kit, and then you have to go find the lake, it's next to the supermarket.

How do you get married on sims 3 ambitions for the iPhone?

You can get married on the Sims 3 ambitions

How do you sell fish in sims 3 ambitions?

The Shop And Go Down And Press - -Mr MJS

Can you get Sims 3 Ambitions on PlayStation 3?

No. Although The Sims 3 is avaliable for the PS3, there isn't a PS3 version of The Sims 3 Ambitions.

How do you get a pool on Sims 3 ambitions?

If you are talking about Sims 3 ambitions on an ipod then you can't :( Sorry

Does Sims 3 have washers?

The sims 3 ambitions does.

Sims 3 ambitions iPod?

You can play the sims three on the iPod/iPhone/iPad.

How do you bring up fun level in sims 3 for iphone?

PLay on the computer, get hobby from the hobby shop are the most efficient

Do you need the Sims 3 app to play Sims 3 ambitions on ipod touch?

No. Ambitions has all features, or most from sims 3 original app plus the ambitions features. I sadly wasted my money without knowing on ambitions, adventures and sims 3 original. Wish I just got ambitions and adventures.