The handiness class can be taken at the Millitary, which can be found in all sims 3 towns.
Their is several ways. First you can go to I think its the science lab or the military base and you can click on take handiness class or you can fix things in the house or tinker with thing by clicking on them and selecting "tinker" Hope this helps!!
You can gain handiness skill by repairing objects that are broken or you can buy a book from the book store and read it to gain the skill like that.
The military base, Fort Gnome Military Base I think its called. :):)
i dot think you can have a job on sims 3 only on sims 3 ambitions:)
The Sims 3 includes only the base game.The Sims 3 Deluxe includes the base game and Ambitions, the first of the Expansion Packs.You can buy Ambitions separately and add it to Sims 3.
Fix things
Your class comes to it and then you teach
You can get married on the Sims 3 ambitions
Their is several ways. First you can go to I think its the science lab or the military base and you can click on take handiness class or you can fix things in the house or tinker with thing by clicking on them and selecting "tinker" Hope this helps!!
You can gain handiness skill by repairing objects that are broken or you can buy a book from the book store and read it to gain the skill like that.
If you are talking about Sims 3 ambitions on an ipod then you can't :( Sorry
You can play the sims three on the iPod/iPhone/iPad.
No. Ambitions has all features, or most from sims 3 original app plus the ambitions features. I sadly wasted my money without knowing on ambitions, adventures and sims 3 original. Wish I just got ambitions and adventures.
No. Although The Sims 3 is avaliable for the PS3, there isn't a PS3 version of The Sims 3 Ambitions.
The sims 3 ambitions does.
no, there is no murdering in the sims
The military base, Fort Gnome Military Base I think its called. :):)