She is in the gym, or if you've beaten Stark Mountain you can sometimes find her at the battleground in the survival area.
snowpoint city
go to hearthome city
at the gym???? in veilstone the gym is normal???
beat all gyms or cheat with ar ds
you go to sunyshore city and beat the gym leader
The water Pokemon gym leader is in Pastoria City.
The eighth gym leader in Pokemon platinum is the one in sunny shore city.
in canalave city
in sunyshore city
snowpoint city
That'd be Volkner who remains the Gym Leader there.
The forth gym leader is in Veilstone City
he's in oreburgh city
He is the gym leader in Canalave City west of Jubilife City.
heart home city
For Diamond and Pearl Fantina has: Drifblim Gengar Mismagius For Platinum she has: Duskull Haunter Mismagius
In heart home city