you sail with mr briney, to dewford, deliver the letter and beet the gym, then sail to slateport.
Vermillion City is in Knato and Slateport is in Hoenn; you can't.
Board the Ship which says Slateport city in Hoen
After beating the 2nd gym leader you need to see steven in the cave in dewford town if you have not already if you already talked to steven then talk to mr briney and go to slateport city from here go north to mauville city and beat the 3rd gym leader there.
In Slateport City, the contest hall is close to the northern exit, just to the left of it.
its at the top part of slateport;go to the northernmost part of the city then take a right. hope this helped
Slateport City doesn't have a gym.
you sail with mr briney, to dewford, deliver the letter and beet the gym, then sail to slateport.
there is no gym in slateport, the next gym would be in mauville with electric pokemon
It's in mauville city just above slateport hope that helps
The 4th gym is in mauville city to get there you need to use Mr Briney's ship to dock at slateport city then you need to go north until you reach mauville city.
Vermillion City is in Knato and Slateport is in Hoenn; you can't.
it is in mauvile city you first have to go to slateport city and then go forward you will reabh the trick house go right move ahead and battle with may then again move forward now you are in mauville city.
go to slateport then to the aquaraim
Board the Ship which says Slateport city in Hoen
After beating the 2nd gym leader you need to see steven in the cave in dewford town if you have not already if you already talked to steven then talk to mr briney and go to slateport city from here go north to mauville city and beat the 3rd gym leader there.
go to the harbor at slateport city.