There is none. There is the Pokemon school, the WTC, the poketech company, and the, like in every city, the shop and healing center.
The sixth gym is in Canalave City of Pokemon Pearl, west of Jubilife City.
Route 201 Pokemon trainer Barry Route 203 Pokemon trainer Barry Jubilife City Pokemon trainer Lucas Jubilife City Pokemon trainer Dawn (If you chose Piplup) Eterna city gym Gym leader Gardenia Hope I helped!!!! :D
It's not in Jubilife City.
There isn't one, go through route 203 to get to Oreburgh City where you will find the first gym, it is a rock gym so i'd get one of the early grass Pokemon to make sure of winning.
There is no Jubilife City Gym. If you mean Oreburgh City Gym, then the gym leader is in the Oreburgh Mines, and the entrance is to the very south of Oreburgh City.
The sixth gym is in Canalave City of Pokemon Pearl, west of Jubilife City.
In Canalive City to the west of Jubilife city!
He is the gym leader in Canalave City west of Jubilife City.
Gym Leader Roark is available when you go East from Jubilife City.
your gym leader is Bryon, from canalave city surf on the left side of jubilife city canalave city
Surf from Jubilife city to Canalave (Left)
jubilife city i think
The Canalave City Gym is the 6th gym. To get there, you must Surf west from Jubilife City. Get HM03 Surf in Celestic Town.
defeat first gym leader if im not mistaken. its in jubilife city
how you get to canalave is easy! you just go left and surf from jubilife city. and also depends on if you are up to the gym. credit to ububub