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The hidden forge is inside the llama temple on volcano island, the 3rd island

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Q: Where is the forgotten forge in castaway 2?
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Sims 2 castaway where do you get the forge?

the forge is in the llama temple on the third island, you have to repair it.

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you need to repair the forge in the temple interior

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you should unlock it first and make it at the forge or workbench

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if think you cant get married in sims 2 castaway

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yes, they have the sims 2 castaway for the PS2

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Blood oranges are found on Airplane island and Volcano island in the Sims 2 Castaway. The Sims 2 Castaway for the PlayStation 2 in 2007.

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koa is one of the hardwood trees. You need to have a metal axe (which you make at the forge in the temple) Then just walk randomly in any jungle and you should come across these trees.

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The doctor in the Sims 2: Castaway game is named Dr. Feelgood.

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you can't get cheese on the sims castaway for wii!

How do you dowlaud on psp sims 2 castaway?

Got to Playstaion store and type in search sims 2 castaway and buy

How do you play games in the Sims 2 Castaway on PS2?

there is no games in the sims 2 castaway in all system except mobile