Unless you install a custom mod, you're limited to traditional medieval weapons.
mount and blade installer pasward
Mount and blade is an RPG sandbox open ended game.
there is no full version for mount and blade free!
This is the stand-alone expansion to mount and blade, its a musket-based expansion.
nope :(
Flintlock IIRC
Johann Kiefuss
The 9mm pistol would have the higher decibel rating.
I have posted a great article in the related links that explains in detail how a flintlock works.
Flintlock pistoles and rifles where mainly used when pirates roamed during 1600-1700
Williamite weapons: -Flintlock musket -Flintlock pistol -Grenade -Pike (limited usage) -Swords -Bayonet Jacobite weapons: -Matchlock musket -Flintlock pistol -Pike -Swords -Various peasant weapons and farm tools.
You will need to get a professional appraisal.
Requires professional appraisal
Requires professional appraisal
Single action The action mechanism would be the hammer with flint.
mount and blade installer pasward
The flintlock pistol was developed in the early 17th century and gained popularity as a firearm during the 18th century. It was commonly used by military personnel and civilians alike during that time period.