Tutorial Island no longer exsists (well, it does, but there is no way to get there).
Power-fishing at Shilo Village is great for fishing experience.
Use a fishing rod
You have to be a member, its by the fishing guild.
There is one outside the Fishing Guild.
east of the Lumbridge Castle, then you will see the Defense Tutor(which is his guild).
easy i smithed a lot when i was under lvl 20 and my smithing is currently lvl 45 anyway the smithing tutor is in varrock at the anvil just south of the bank that is in the western part of varrock :)
from the dunginering tutor
You get 90 Fishing experience for fishing lobsters.
Yes, you must be a member to enter the Fishing Guild in RuneScape. The Fishing guild is north of Ardougne, inside the members-only portion of RuneScape.
Power-fishing at Shilo Village is great for fishing experience.
You have to have a Fly Fishing Rod and some Feathers to fly fishing.
Fishing salmon requires a Fishing Level of 30.
No, that is not possible.
You can get a small fishing net near the fishing instructor.
A player's fishing level can only decrease through a Roll Back if they are caught botting as it is against the Rules of Runescape.
you need level 68 fishing, or 63 with admiral pie, or 65 with fishing potion
at Grand Exchange