there is more than one, one in vermillion city to the left of the Pokemon center, one in fuschia city to the right of the Pokemon center and to the right of the wardens home, one in the vermillion port area which is to the right of vermillion you go to the right of vermillion then go down until you find a house with a blue roof in there is the last guru.
by fishing or using surf
You can't get a Tentacruel by just fishing/surfing in Pokemon FireRed. You have to Evolve a Tentacool (It evolves at level 35).
You can get it in Vermillion City in the house that is next to the Pokemon Center.
old rod is at viridian city top left house good rod fuschia city and super rod on the way to fuchia by the fish ing thing where thers goldeens and stuff.
in dawns house
by fishing or using surf
easy u go to fire area in the corner
Gyardos is in Pokemon emerald and leaf green/fire red in emerald you can find him in sootopolis city by fishing with the super rod
You can't get a Tentacruel by just fishing/surfing in Pokemon FireRed. You have to Evolve a Tentacool (It evolves at level 35).
On the right side.
You can get it in Vermillion City in the house that is next to the Pokemon Center.
old rod is at viridian city top left house good rod fuschia city and super rod on the way to fuchia by the fish ing thing where thers goldeens and stuff.
you have to get a grolithe and bring it to bills house in kanto
Same place as it is in Fire Red.
You have to find coffee. someone will give it to you in a house
in dawns house
he's in his house in lavender town. there's a sign on the outside of his house indicating where it is.