

Best Answer

There is needed a rock smash right? then there is a stair up it then click on the rock

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Q: Where is the everstone in granite cave?
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Everstone. Found in Granite Cave.

How do you get a everstone in Pokemon emerald?

There are two in granite cave one by going up the steps on the first floor and another by using a mach bike to fully explore the cave.

How do you get an Everstone in Pokemon Sapphire?

In Granite Cave, or find a wild geodude or graveler holdin one but the chances of them holdin one is like 5%.

How do you get an everstone on emerald?

you can find one in granite cave you will see rocks then when you see a silver kind of rock go up to it and press A it will be up some steps

Where is granite cave?

Granite Cave is in Dewford Town.

Where is the granite cave in Pokemon emerald?

Granite Cave is located northwest of Dewford town.

Is there an Everstone cheat for Pokemon Ash Gray?

When u get bulbasaur look at his item and there u have ur everstone

Where do you find a everstone on Pokemon white?

Go speak to Professor Elm after the egg has hatched :)

Where is granite cave in pkmn emerald?


Where is aron on Pokemon ruby?

in the granite cave

Where do you find Nosepass in sapphire?

In granite cave.

Where is granite cave in ruby?

An island on route 106