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Q: Where is the dusk stone in the galactic warehouse?
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When does misdreaveaus evolve?

Misdreavus is a pure ghost type that when exposed to a dusk stone evolves into a Mismagius. To obtain a dusk stone get the warehouse key and go into the Galactic Warehouse.

Where to find a dusk stone in pokemon diamond?

In Pokemon Diamond, there are two locations where a Dusk Stone can be found. The first is in the Galactic Warehouse, and the second is Victory Road.

Where is the dawn and dusk stone in Pokemon platinum?

DAWN STONE mt.coronet route 225 pickup ability DUSK STONE galactic warehouse victory road or pickup ability hope i helped

Where is the dusk stone?

One in Galactic Warehouse in Veilstone city. And there is one in Victory Road in the area after you beat the Elite Four.

Where do you find a dusk stone in Pokemon platinum?

i think it's in veilstone at the galactic warehouse or the big tower i found that on

I know that in Underground are many stones But where ectacly is the dusk stone What colour is it?

you can get it at the veilstone galactic warehouse after you beat maylene(the veilstone gym leader)after you beat the galactic grunts by the warehouse after lucas or dawn drops their pokedex

What level till misdreavus evolves in Pokemon pearl?

Misdreavus doesn't evolve through leveling. You must use a dusk stone on it to make it evolve. You can find a dusk stone in Victory Road or the Galactic Warehouse.

Where do you find a dusk stone on Pokemon pearl?

The first one is in the Galactic Warehouse in Veilstone City. You can also dig Underground for more Dusk Stones, as well as other elemental evolution stones!

How do you get a dusk stone in diamond and pearl?

you can find a dusk stone some where in team galactic HQ one of the poke balls is a dusk stone

How to get a dusk stone?

galactic warehousevictory roadaction replay

How do you fine a dusk stone?

A dusk stone can be found by digging underground, the Team Galactic Veilstone Hideout, or Victory Road.

Where are the dusk stones found in Pokemon diamond?

The dusk stone is in the team galactic ware house. Once you get the key ( not works key, the storage key. ) There will be a small room before the stairs. go next to the computer and there will be a dusk stone. This can be used to evolve Misdreavus into Mismagius or it can be used on other dark types.