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go left then right then you wiil see a door go inside it and there you have it

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Q: Where is the dragon room in meteor falls on Pokemon emerald?
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Where is the dragon tamer in victory road on Pokemon emerald?

i don't think there is a dragon tamer there is one in meteor falls tho

Where to get dragon type Pokemon in emerald?

There's no pure dragon type in emerald version. Flygon is ground+dragon, Salamance and Altaria is Flying + Dragon but can be considered as dragon also. altaria can be found in the grass on the way to meteor falls. bagon which can be found in meteor falls but waterfall is required to get it.

Where is Stephen in Pokemon emerald?

at meteor falls

Where do you get TM dragon rage in emerald?

there is no TM dragon rage but there is dragon claw which you can get in the meteor falls

Where is meteor falls on Pokemon HeartGold?

meteor falls is in the ruby/emerald/sapphire region. i think it was Hoenn?

What are some Dragon and Dragon like Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald?

In Meteor Falls where you find dragon claw (TM02) you find bagons. IF you train a bagon up to level 55 or 45 it evolves into a salamence.

How do you get a solerock in Pokemon?

you can get solrock in the meteor falls area in Pokemon ruby and emerald

Where is TM dragon claw in emerald?

in meteor falls west of fallabor town :)

How do you get on the ski lift in Pokemon emerald?

go through meteor falls

How do you get Lunatone in Pokemon Emarald?

In the Meteor Falls cave. In the Meteor Falls cave. Really? I thought Lunatone wasn't obtainable in emerald.

Where can you get a bagon in pokemon emerald?

The smallest room in Meteor Falls, on the 2nd Floor.

Where do you get Salamance's first evolution in Pokemon Emerald?

Uncommon catch from meteor falls