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You go to where you get Donkey Kong,then you go to the purple arrow you go into the door.Then there is going to be a big door in the back ground.Of course go into it.There will be a cutsing then you will meet Sonic there.Then you will get to choose 6 characters.Then you fight Tabuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: Where is the door to Tabuu in Super Smash Bros Brawl?
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No he is not a playable character.

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How do you get tabuu for Super Smash Bros brawl?

Tabuu isn't a playable character. But you can get his trophy

How do you get tabuu on Super Smash Bros. brawl?

You can't play as Tabuu, you can only fight him.

What game is Tabuu from?

Tabuu is the final boss from Super Smash Bros. Brawl on Wii.

How do you play as tabuu on Super Smash Bros. brawl?

Tabuu is unplayable unless you cheat.

How do you get tabuu in Super Smash Bros. brawl?

you can't he's not playable

How do you complete the subspace emmissary in Super Smash Bros. brawl?

Kill tabuu.

Who is tagu in Super Smash Bros. brawl?

Tabuu is a stupid evil guy.