There is no changing table. You simply click on your baby or toddler and click "Change Diaper" or "Change Dirty Diaper".
Happy simming.
If you have a beetle or butterfly in your Sims inventory, simply drag it to a table, counter, etc and it will automatically be put in a tank.
By a dresser.
Why would you do that? Version 1.12.070 is more advanced than 1.0.615!
Lots are out. The sims 3 university, sims 3 nightlife, sims 3 adventures, sims 3 generations... you name it!
You can only invent if you have Sims 3: Ambitions. When you get it, go to buy mode, then under the hobbies tab, there will be an inventing table. You buy the table/desk thing and put it wherever. WARNING: WHEN YOUR SIM IS INVENTING THEIR BUTT MAY CATCH FIRE AND THEY MIGHT BURN TO DEATH.
Go to miscellaneous, then the picture of a teddy bear. and there is one that says baby changing table.
you have to buy a changing station and when the green comes from the baby click on the changing table and it will say Change diaper... LoveToKnow I don't think you have to have a changing station b/c one time I didn't have a changing station and I just clicked on the baby and it said "change diaper"
you have to by it go to buy mode outdoors and activities
If you have a beetle or butterfly in your Sims inventory, simply drag it to a table, counter, etc and it will automatically be put in a tank.
By a dresser.
you can walk into a drawer or a changing room
They keep on changing it but it turns out it wont be out until June 2 pretty sure
Why would you do that? Version 1.12.070 is more advanced than 1.0.615!
The Sims 3The Sims 3The Sims 3: World AdventuresThe Sims 3: AmbitionsThe Sims 3: Late NightThe Sims 3: GenerationsThe Sims 3: PetsThe Sims 3 stuff packsThe Sims 3: High-End Loft Stuff (The Sims 3: Design and Hi-Tech Stuff in Great Britain)The Sims 3: Fast Lane StuffThe Sims 3: Outdoor Living StuffThe Sims 3: Town Life StuffThe Sims 3: Master Suite Stuff (still in production)The Sims 3 compilationsThe Sims 3 Collector's EditionThe Sims 3 Holiday Collector's EditionThe Sims 3 DeluxeThe Sims 3 Plus PetsSpin-offsThe Sims MedievalThe Sims Medieval: Pirates and Nobles
Just add a mirror to the house. If you want to change their clothes, make sure they have a wardrobe or changing table. Then send to them to a store with clothing racks.
Lots are out. The sims 3 university, sims 3 nightlife, sims 3 adventures, sims 3 generations... you name it!
You can only invent if you have Sims 3: Ambitions. When you get it, go to buy mode, then under the hobbies tab, there will be an inventing table. You buy the table/desk thing and put it wherever. WARNING: WHEN YOUR SIM IS INVENTING THEIR BUTT MAY CATCH FIRE AND THEY MIGHT BURN TO DEATH.