If you are trying to find Rotom in the Haunted House on Poke Park Wii, enter the Library and go to the book case somewhere behind Duskull. Search it until a Check or Examine or something like that pops up on the screen. Pikachu should say "Pika pika?" when it pops up. Click 2 on the remote and a message saying A book is missing should pop up. Go to Sabyle, he's in the library with you near the staircase. Sabyle has a book! Talk to him, and he will do a quiz with you. If you win the quiz, you get the book. If you don't win, keep trying. When you win, go to the bookshelf with the missing book. Place it on the bookshelf by talking to Duskull or seeing Place or something pop up on the screen. When you do, the bookcase shall move. Go inside and down the stairs. Enter the door at the bottom. Don't be afraid, Rotom is in there. He wants to play. That's how you do it.
Well you get it at the beach zone
I don't know why they aren't in it, but Dialga and Palkia are not in the Poke Park Wii game. There is a giant mountain carving of them with a waterfall in the Poke Park, but they aren't in the game. Trust me, I've searched EVERYWHERE!
After you befriend Gyrados, see Feraligatr and he'll blast the rock.
Poke park 2 is multiplayer but only the attractions.
bidoof is in the medow zone , if you are at the first bridge leading to the second one do not walk on it , you need to walk up the long path leading near another waterfall and biddof should be there
in the beach
i do not believe he is...
994067045 to get celebi
DS: HeartGold/SoulSilver Wii: Poke Park Wii
No. It is single-player only
Basically... Everywhere!
Well you get it at the beach zone
Yes, it will come out 2012 july. The games is called Pokemon poke park 2 the adventure continues!
Rhyperior is in the lava zone with his attraction.
You get that word from Porygon.
to get to the beach zone on poke park wii you have to go to the meeting place and find corphish at the gate once you have found corphish go through the gate and you will be at the beach zone