Ok, this one is kinda tricky, but it's in the death star level. It's in the part where all of the beams are, and it's at the top.
Felucia, cloud city, and raxus prime(2nd visit)
find them
Nothing they are simply there to look cool.
different types of handles on the lightsabor
lightsaber means you get all the colors
There isn't a black lightsaber crystal for Wii.
raxus prime
you get a silver lightsaber.
how do you get moulkiller on star wars the force unleashed 2
I am pretty sure there is one
In the loo
Felucia, cloud city, and raxus prime(2nd visit)
There isn't one.
Not in the game. It's only in the special edition 360 and PS3 games.
Yes there is. The code is "HURRIKANE." But be aware that enabling this code will remove all lightsaber related Holocrons on the current saved game file, thus blocking the "Holocron Collector"achievement from being earned.