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route 16 through 18

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Q: Where is the bike path on LeafGreen?
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How do you get a bike in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you purches it at the bike shop for 100,000,000 bucks

What is a bike path?

A bike path is another term for a bicycle path or cycle path - a path, segregated from other traffic, for the use of riders of bicycles.

How do you get on the water path on LeafGreen?

Get surf. It's across the water path

How do you get on the bike route in Pokemon LeafGreen?

get the Poke Flute !

Where is the world's largest bike path network?

The worlds largest bike path network is in Bogota Colombia

Where is the bike shop Pokemon leafgreen?

In cerulean city (You will need to get the Bike Voucher from the Pokemon Fan Club in Vermillion before being about to get a Bike)

What is the best bike path in Ventura County?

Why This Is The Best Bike Path In Ventura County The Arroyo Simi Greenway and bike path is a beautiful, scenic route that is perfect for a leisurely ride or a vigorous workout.

How do you get down the bike path on route 210 Pokemon platinium?

You have to have obtained a bike from the bike man. And to do that you have to save him from team galactic. Once you have obtained the bike, select bike in your bag, then choose ride. You see, you have to be riding a bike to get down the path.

Where can you get a bike in Pokemon LeafGreen?

pay 1,ooo,ooo money to the bike shop or get a bike ticket from a guy in vermillion city and give that to the bikeshop

On Pokemon LeafGreen where is the bike shop?

The bike shop is in Cerulean City. But, to get the bike for free you need to go to Vermilion. There, you will get the voyeur for a free bike from a old man.

What do you do to sleeping Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

If there in the way of your path then use the pokeflute.

How do you get a bike on Pokemon LeafGreen?

In Vermillion City , There is a House , Fulled with Pokemons , Talk to a Guy in it , And he will give you Bike Voucher , Then go to Bike Shop , And he will give you a Bike .Hope i Helped , If i did , Recommend me Please .