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take one of the Pokemon you are trying to raise to lvl 100, give it an exp. share, take that only one to the Pokemon league with lots of potins and revives, and fight the league again and again until it gets to lvl 100. the league gets progressively better each time you fight them, so your Pokemon will earn more EXP points, plus will earn more than usual because it is holding the exp. share. yes, when your Pokemon is holding the exp. share and fighting it gets more points than usual instead of it just working for Pokemon in your party. yes, it will take a long time, but that is the best place to train them, since they are the best trainers and you always get more exp. points in a trainer battle. i raised plenty of Pokemon to lvl 100 this way. took a long time, but it works really well.

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Q: Where is the best place to train Pokemon to level 100?
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The Pokemon league is proably the best place to train your Pokemon.If they are a low level give them an EXP share.OR you can train at Mt.silver and also if high enough battle red for a ton of xp

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