Near the Lumbridge bridge you can find a great spot for killing regular Goblins.
kill things like goblins or jsut buy it
It Depends on ur att and def level if its high it will take a while if its is like 7 and below it will be a lot faster
There are several websites that will allow you to kill some time. They are included below:
Just kill your Sim the normal way.
They would never class you as a threat, if you are after a champions scroll, it is a very rare drop, equal to getting a dragon left half off a banshee.
The best thing to kill is like umm goblins, cows.. And if ur good varrock gaurds.
The best way to get lvl 1 clue scrolls is to kill lvl2 men or women or kill goblins lvl2.
No. but they could if they want too
Absolutely. They hate the stuff.
Kill goblins east of Lumbridge.
The best place to kill zombies is at the armor zombie place. IT is where everyone get 99 str.
kill things like goblins or jsut buy it
you kill a couple of goblins they willeventually give you a goblin armoursign:dragwolf56
there is no fixed rate of drops for clue scrolls but it can range from your 2nd kill to your 1,000th kill
kill 100 goblins to get 500 blue mamooth idols
You can find them on the ground,Kill goblins for them or buy one for a very cheap price at the grand exchange.