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The activation e-mail on Club Penguin is sent to whatever e-mail you type in when you are creating the penguin. This is why it is important to put in a valid e-mail address, because if you ever needed to change your password, you would need this to solidify you are the owner of your penguin.

~ Sheimi492

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Q: Where is the activation email at on Club Penguin?
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In Club Penguin what does it mean when you login but it says Your account isn't activated yet?

Club Penguin sends an email to you, with an activation key. If you cannot find this email, try looking in your junk email box. The email should have information on activation.

How do you put in your activation code on club penguin?

just go to your email

How do you activate your penguin from Club Penguin?

You will get an e-mail that says welcome to club penguin. Click it and go to the activate your acocunt link. Enter your activation code pick a chat and you can play.

How long does it take for you to get a email for club penguin about your activation?

it should take 1 min to about 30 mins if 30 mins has passed and you have no notification from club penguin i would resend the email

What is the Club Penguin activation link?

Its On Your Email It Will Ask You To Activate It. Use Your Parents Email So They Know What Your Doing

What if you cant find your club penguin activation email in junk or bulk folder?

I dont know in just commenting

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What is sensei in club penguin email

What is an unused Club Penguin membership activation code?

it is a unused membership on club penguin

Is there a fake club penguin with no bans and free membership for everyone?

Yes, There is a fake club penguin called Free penguin . its free for everyone and NO email activation , NO paying for membership , GET free rare items for yourself and lots more at

Where is the activation link to activate a penguin for club penguin?

In the emal you used

You made a club penguin account it was probably called WestHottay and when I went on it said penguin with a very long number at the end so how do I get my real name?

liar you just have to put a penguin name the color of the penguin and your email address and then you go on if u use it then you click on the thing that says club penguin support and then you look at your user name and activation code then and you click on club and put in your username and activation code then you get started

Have you got free activation codes for club penguin?
