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After u beat the first 7 u will go back to pallet town and then go to viridian and the gym that was earlier locked is now open (Giovanni is the boss)

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Q: Where is the 8th gym leader in Pokemon Yellow?
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What is the 8th gym leader in Pokemon Yellow?


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Wallace is the 8th gym leader PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dugtrio, Rhydon, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Rhyhorn.

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8th gym leader

How is the eighth gym leader in Pokemon?

The 8th gym leader is Drayden he uses Dragon type pokemon

Who is the 8th gym leader in Pokemon black?

The 8th gym leader is Drayden, who uses Dragon-type Pokemon. You face him in Opelucid City.

Where is Wallace on Pokemon ruby?

In the 8th gym. he is the gym leader

Where is the 8th gym leader located in Pokemon silver?

You battle the 8th gym leader, Clair, at Blackthorn City.

Where is the 7 gym leader in Pokemon Yellow?

The 7th gym leader in Pokemon yellow is in Cinnebar Island, which is south of Pallet Town. You need a Pokemon with Surf to get there.

In Pokemon Yellow vershin where is the eighth gym leader?

1. SP (spell check for all you n00bletts out there) 2. The 8th gym leader is in Viridian City. Its the city after your hometown.

Where is the eighth gym leader in pokemon LeafGreen?

The 8th gym leader is in Viridian City.

Is volkner a gym leader in Pokemon D and P?

Yes he is he is the 8th Gym Leader.