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In Pokémon White 2, the 6th Gym can be found in Mistralton City.

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Q: Where is the 6th gym in Pokemon White 2?
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Where is the 6th gym leader on Pokemon white 2?

sixth gym laeder

How do you get to the town with the 6th gym in Pokemon black 2?

beat pokemon gym leader clay,take on route 6, go through chargestone cave,then you'll be at the 6th gym.

What Pokemon do you use in the 2 gym in Pokemon Black and White?

I used fighting type (Timburr) and obliterated the gym

Where do you get surf in Pokemon Black and White?

You must: 1. Beat the 6th gym leader. 2. Go to Twist Mountain 3. Before you go in, Clay, the 5th gym leader, will give you surf.

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Talk to the trainer in her old gym to gain access to the new gym.

Can you battle the Gym Leaders of Striaton City from Pokemon Black and White in Pokemon Black and White 2?

no you cannot but you can battle latias/latios

Are there any Fire-Type Pokemon Trainers in the White 2 Pokemon games?

Chili (former gym leader)

How do you get the C-GEAR in Pokemon Black 2 and White 2?

After you beat the first gym, Bianca will give it to you.

Which gym leader to battle to obtain the abilitty to use strength Pokemon shiny gold?

In Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow and Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen, the Celadon City Gym Badge is required to use Strength. Gym Leader Erika holds this badge.In Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal and Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver, the Goldenrod City Gym Badge is required to use Strength. Gym Leader Whitney holds this badge.In Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, the Lavaridge Town Gym Badge is required to use Strength. Gym Leader Flannery holds this badge.In Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, the Canalave City Gym Badge is required to use Strength. Gym Leader Byron holds this badge.In Pokemon Black/White and Pokemon Black 2/White 2, Gym Badges are not required to use HMs.

How many gyms are there in white?

There are 8 Gyms and 12 Gym Leaders. there is 3 in the first gym but you only battle 1 depending on the starter Pokemon you have and there is 2 in the last gym you battle iris if u hav Pokemon white and u battle the other if u hav Pokemon black

Who is the second gym leader in Pokemon Black and White 2?

Roxie in Virbank City, she specializes in Poison-type Pokemon.