Mauvile City. If your stuck, go to the guy who has a wingull and the boat, and he'll add a new destination after Brawly! I think it's Slateport. DO NOT GO BACK TO THE OLD TOWN! IF YOU DO IT WILL TAKE SUCH A LONG TIME TO GET TO MAUVILE!
You go to lavaridge town to battle fire typ gym leader flannery!!!
You Go left and use rock smash to open up the tunnel
at the gym
slate port does not have a gym
Fighting type, ground type
You go to lavaridge town to battle fire typ gym leader flannery!!!
ground and fighting types
The Fortree gym.
there is no gym at pacifidlog
Defeat all of the Gym leaders on Emerald. ~KKMG1
there is no gym in slateport, the next gym would be in mauville with electric pokemon
In Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald the 7th Gym that's located in Mossdeep City has Psychic type Pokemon.
You Go left and use rock smash to open up the tunnel
In 7th gym
at the gym